CNN slams Bell Media over Lisa LaFlamme ageism allegations (VIDEO)

Aug 30 2022, 5:49 pm

Bell Media continues to be in hot water for firing its lead anchor, Lisa LaFlamme.

The PR nightmare has not only prompted big brands to go grey in solidarity with the former CTV National News chief anchor but has also made international headlines.

CNN is the latest to cover the scandal in a segment that slammed Bell Media for its alleged stance on LaFlamme’s grey hair.

In the days following LaFlamme’s bombshell announcement, numerous news reports detailed the underlying reasons behind her forced exit, including allegations of ageism and sexism.

One specific anecdote obtained by The Globe and Mail revealed how Bell Media’s vice president of news, Michael Melling, questioned LaFlamme’s choice to go grey during the pandemic — and it’s a detail that has been a rallying point for many online.

CNN anchors Erica Hill and Christine Romans and CNN business correspondent Rahel Solomon addressed the issue during a roundtable discussion with CNN New Day host John Berman.

Berman opened the discussion by calling out the double standard in the industry and asked the panellists what they’ve experienced as women in media.

“There is a double standard,” said Hill. “In this business, and we know it, a man with grey hair, white hair, even a little bit of a belly is seen as having gravitas and being distinguished. Women can’t do that.”

Romans highlighted LaFlamme’s achievements during her 35 years at CTV — winning major Canadian broadcasting awards, her coverage of Iraq, Afghanistan, elections, Olympics, and most recently the Pope’s historic apology — and how the decision to fire her allegedly came down to her appearance, not performance.

Solomon pointed out the outpouring of support for LaFlamme from the public and brands like Dove and Sports Illustrated

“I think managers clearly need to read the room and get with the times that people are tired of seeing cookie-cutter images of what women are supposed to look like,” added Solomon.

Berman gave a personal example of the different standards placed on men compared to women in the media.

“A few years ago, before I started going grey naturally… it was suggested to me that I should dye my hair grey so that I had more gravitas,” he said. “There was a sense that for me, as a dude, that grey hair would be better.”

To close out the segment, Romans emphasized how big of a “screw up” Bell Media’s action was, citing the negative blowback from viewers and companies.

Her final words on the allegedly ageist decision were scathing.

“It’s just gross, and it’s so 1980s,” said Romans.

And of course, fans of LaFlamme are loving seeing Bell Media squirm under all of this bad press.

Last week, Daily Hive learned that Melling is taking a leave from his role at Bell media.

Isabelle DoctoIsabelle Docto

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