Ontario confirms lowest new coronavirus cases since late March

Jun 8 2020, 2:49 pm

The Province of Ontario confirms there have been 24 more COVID-19 related deaths and 243 new cases, as of Monday morning.

This marks the lowest count since March 29 when 211 cases were reported.

The number of new cases is a significant decrease compared to Sunday’s 415 and Saturday’s 455.

The increase in cases over the weekend was confirmed to be a delay in reporting from the laboratories to public health units.

The fluctuating cases comes as Ontario officially extended the state of emergency until June 30.

According to the latest data, a total of 15,357 tests were completed — a decrease from Sunday’s 19,374.

Premier Doug Ford wanted the province to test 16,000 people daily starting on May 6. Testing has been consistently fluctuating around this goal.

The province released its expanded testing strategy, which includes deploying mobile teams to coronavirus hotspots and testing more workplaces, regions, and neighbourhoods.

To date, a total of 866,889 have been tested across Ontario.

The province’s total is now 30,860 but 79.4% of the cases have been resolved, with 24,492 patients recovered.

A total of 2,450 people have died from coronavirus in Ontario, and there are 4,811 cases currently under investigation.

According to the Public Health Ontario Daily Epidemiologic Summary (iPHIS), there are 83 outbreaks in long-term care homes, with 1,575 resident deaths. Around 17% of cases in all of Ontario come from these facilities.

However, the Ministry of Long-Term Care Daily Report says there have been 78 outbreaks reported in long-term care homes with 1,720 resident deaths.

Government of Ontario

According to Dr. Barbara Yaffe, Ontario relies on local public health units to report on the coronavirus, both in the community and in long-term care homes, through iPHIS, in which there is a delay in the data being received.

At the same time, the Ministry of Long-Term Care has started collecting information about coronavirus in long-term care homes through its network of inspectors.

On May 26, Ford said the province is investigating long-term care homes after reports from military members helping in long-term care homes show “heartbreaking and horrific” concerns.

The provincial government will also take over five more long-term care homes that Ford is “most concerned” about and will perform “rigorous inspections” of 13 more homes over the coming weeks.

The Greater Toronto Area public health units account for more than half of the cases at 67.3%.

Of the total cases, 44.7% are male and 54.5% are female, with 37.9% of cases age 60 years and older.

To date, there are 603 hospitalized, with 118 in ICU, and 81 patients on ventilators.

Government of Ontario

The daily summary is based on data reported by the 34 public health units across Ontario and recorded in the province’s integrated Public Health Information System, according to the Ontario government.

iPHIS is the Ministry of Health’s disease reporting system where data is regularly updated, and where each daily summary is pulled at 4 pm the previous day.

Clarrie FeinsteinClarrie Feinstein

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