"She is welcome here": Teen hugs Meghan Markle as Duchess receives hate online (VIDEO)

Sep 12 2022, 5:49 pm

Meghan Markle shared a warm embrace with a teenager on Saturday, a stark difference from the hate the Duchess of Sussex has been receiving online in the aftermath of Queen Elizabeth’s death.

Two days after the Queen’s death, members of the royal family including Markle, her husband Prince Harry, and the newly titled Prince and Princess of Wales William and Kate went on a surprise walkabout at Windsor Castle where thousands gathered to pay respects.

As Markle went along the barricade greeting the crowd and gathering flowers and gifts for the Queen, one mourning teenager asked to give her a hug. She chatted with CNN about the sweet gesture.

“We were just waiting for her to come and she came near me and asked my name and how my day was, how long I was waiting,” the 14-year-old told CNN reporter Scott McLean.  “I asked her if I could have a hug, and she hugged me back. It was quite an amazing moment. I’m still shaking now.”

As for why she wanted to give Markle a hug?

The teenager told CNN that she looked up to Markle in some ways and that “it just felt like it was the right thing to do.”

McLean asked the girl why she felt sympathy for Markle and whether it was because of the Queen’s passing or the Duchess’ complicated relationship with the royal family.

“I guess both. It was quite nice to see William and Kate and Meghan and Harry together,” said the teenager. “I just wanted to show her that she’s welcome here and wanted to hug her after everything that’s happened.”

While Markle received the welcoming hug IRL, the discussions about her online have been less than kind.

#GoHomeMeghanMarkle has been trending on Twitter with haters accusing the Duchess of spreading lies about the Queen and making “her final years a misery.”

As of Monday morning, supporters of Markle have begun taking over the hashtag, pointing out that the continued hate towards the Duchess is rooted in racism.

“Put the mirror to your face and call this hatred of [Meghan Markle] what it is, racism,” tweeted one user.

“#GoHomeMeghanMarkle yet if she had stayed home, people would [be] attacking her for not supporting Prince Harry… This woman can’t win,” tweeted another supporter.

Another Twitter user pointed out the parallels between how Markle is being treated to how Princess Diana was treated.

And this Twitter user pointed out how people were silent when it came to a sexual assault scandal in the royal family.

That controversial royal will reportedly get the Queen’s corgis.

For more information on the Queen’s funeral details, click here.