"Freedom Convoy" protest organizer Tamara Lich denied bail

Feb 22 2022, 5:41 pm

Tamara Lich, one of the organizers of the “Freedom Convoy,” has been denied bail by an Ottawa judge.

Lich led a protest against COVID-19 mandates and the federal government that paralyzed the nation’s capital for three weeks. Ontario Court Justice Julie Bourgeois’ decision was based on the negative effects the demonstrations had on the community, reported The Canadian Press. 

“I cannot be reassured that if I release you into the community that you will not reoffend,” said Bourgeois on Tuesday. “Your detention is necessary for the protection and safety of the public.”

Lich was arrested last Thursday and charged with counselling to commit the offence of mischief. She promised to leave Ottawa by vehicle and give up her advocacy of the protest during the bail hearing, according to The Canadian Press. 

However, Lich said she would need time to make those arrangements because she doesn’t have a vaccine passport that will allow her to board a plane and her bank accounts are frozen.

Bourgeois also ordered Lich to have no contact with other convoy organizers including Pat King, Benjamin Dichter, Christopher Barber, and Daniel Bulford.

King, who has gained attention online for his racist and white supremacist videos, was arrested last Friday. His bail hearing is currently underway.

Barber was also arrested last Thursday, but was released on bail on Saturday.

The arrests of both King and Lich were caught on video last week and posted on their social media platforms.

So far, there has not been reaction from the “Freedom Convoy 2022” social media channels, besides sharing an article on the decision.

This bail decision comes after the House of Commons passed the Emergencies Act, which authorizes the government to take “special temporary measures to ensure safety and security during national emergencies.”

While bail hearings for convoy organizers are underway, the protests continue across the country. Over the weekend border protests swelled in Surrey, BC. In Ottawa, police have gradually been clearing the city of trucks and protesters.