"What a joke": Vancouver Tesla Cybertruck driver called out for parking at bus stop

May 22 2024, 11:53 pm

Here is another entry toĀ theĀ You Can’t Park ThereĀ series, where we outline some questionable parking jobs in the city.Ā 

People online are calling out a so-called terrible driver in Vancouver who parked a Tesla Cybertruck at a bus stop.

The unique electric vehicle was seen parked in the Chinatown area along E Pender Street and Gore Avenue Sunday afternoon.

@2xu2xu Tesla Cybertruck parked at a bus stop today in Vancouver’s Chinatown. Cops were calling a tow while onlookers took photos. #tesla #cybertruck #vancouver #chinatownyvr #chinatown #parking #parkingticket #richmond #burnaby #coquitlam #busstop ā™¬ original sound – Jake – Street Photography

A video shared on TikTok by Jake Wong shows three Vancouver police officers on the scene, which led some people to question why so many officers were needed for a parking infraction.

“Look at all the cops hard at work šŸ™„,” one person wrote.

However, many comments suggested parking at the bus stop meant the driver was “another entitled Tesla owner.”

“Wish I could afford to disregard the rules of the road and park anywhere,” a TikTok user wrote. “Must be nice to have all that pocket money – I bet a tow is pocket change to the owner.”

Others simply said the video “is so Vancouver.”

“What a joke,” another person added.Ā 

Daily Hive has reached out to the VPD for more information.

In VancouverĀ there is a “zero-tolerance policy” for parking or stopping in a bus zone,Ā according to the City site.

The site warns that “if you park or stop in a bus zone, your vehicle will be ticketed and possibly towed.”

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Nikitha MartinsNikitha Martins

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