Ottawa gets a break from the honking amid "disruptive and unlawful behaviour"

Feb 6 2022, 8:40 pm

Protests in Ottawa intensified again on Saturday, February 5, and Ottawa Police say they’ve received more than 650 calls for service directly related to the “Freedom Convoy” demonstrations since they started.

Ottawa Police Service (OPS) shared an update on Sunday, February 6 detailing the protest by the numbers when it comes to tickets, investigations, and enforcement.

According to OPS, they worked through the night to “reduce the impacts of demonstrators in the downtown core, respond to calls for service, and improve neighbourhood safety.”

“Overnight, demonstrators exhibited extremely disruptive and unlawful behaviour, which presented risks to public safety and unacceptable distress for Ottawa residents,” they said.

“We continue to advise demonstrators not to enter Ottawa, and to go home.”

Ottawa Police Enforcement and Charges Laid

Since the morning of February 5, Bylaw and Police Services issued more than 450 tickets for the following:

  • Excessive noise
  • Use of Fireworks
  • Failure to drive in marked lane
  • Red light violations
  • Driving through a No Truck Route
  • Seatbelt violation
  • Driving a motor vehicle on a sidewalk
  • Cellphone
  • Disobey sign
  • Improper muffler
  • Tint (too dark)
  • Obstructed license plate
  • Failure to produce documents
  • Stunt Driving (vehicle seized)
  • Suspended license
  • No Insurance

Police say there were several vehicles that were seized and towed, including a stolen truck and an abandoned vehicle in a roadway.

Also, OPS said its negotiators “supported efforts to limit noise and the blowing of horns from 9 am to 1 pm EST” on Sunday, February 6.

A “Freedom Convoy 2022” press release issued late on Saturday confirmed that organizers were “calling a temporary halt to horn-blowing as their campaign to end COVID restrictions in Canada enters its second week in the nation’s capital.”

“Out of respect for the Lord’s Day, for members of our military who have sacrificed and who continue to sacrifice so much for our freedom, for the men and women in blue who are doing such a superb job protecting us, and as a gesture of goodwill, members of our Convoy will desist from the blowing of Horns tomorrow, Sunday from 9 am to 1 pm Ottawatime,” the release states.

Criminal offence investigations

Almost 100 criminal offence investigations have been opened by OPS in relation to the demonstration.

“Intelligence and evidence gathering teams continue to collect financial, digital, vehicle registration, driver identification, insurance status, and other related evidence that will be used in criminal prosecutions,” said OPS.

Plus, OPS says they’re working with Canadian, U.S., and international security agencies authorities to investigate email-based threats to public officials.

Report unlawful behaviour

Police say they encourage all residents who have witnessed or been the victim of unlawful behaviour to please contact the Ottawa Police at (613) 236-1222 ext 7300 or you can submit a report online.

The public can report hate crimes via a hotline, which has already received over 200 calls and detectives are ensuring every report is investigated.

Already, four people have been charged with hate crimes during the “Freedom Convoy” protests. With so many open investigations, OPS will have more details to share in coming days.