Here's how Ontario's vaccine passports will work in gyms, fitness studios

Sep 1 2021, 5:20 pm

Want to hit the gym? You’ll need proof of vaccination for that.

Certain indoor facilities, including gyms and fitness studios, in Ontario will require proof of COVID-19 vaccination starting September 22.

In order to use indoor gyms and sporting facilities, a vaccine certificate would be required with a government photo ID.

It will first use existing PDF vaccine receipts alongside government-issued photo ID. But an app where vaccination status will be displayed digitally is coming later, on October 22.

A certificate of immunization will be required in non-essential settings, including restaurants, movie theatres, and gyms.

People will need to prove they’ve had both doses a minimum of 14 days prior to entering the business. Those who aren’t already fully vaccinated should schedule their second dose appointment by September 7 to avoid disruption.

Ontario is the latest province to adopt the measure, following British Columbia, Quebec, and Manitoba. The province calls it the Enhanced Vaccine Certificate.

Initially, Ford and Health Minister Christine Elliott had said a system such as that is unnecessary. However, after countless calls from businesses, health experts, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to make the change, the Ontario government changed course.