Quebec reports over 130 new COVID-19 cases over past 24 hours

Jul 28 2021, 3:17 pm

Quebec is reporting more than 130 new COVID-19 cases over the past 24 hours.

The Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux has added 133 new coronavirus cases to the provincial total since Tuesday morning.

It’s the province’s highest daily increase since July 7, when 103 cases were confirmed.

Public health has added zero additional virus-related death attributed to the past day.

Hospitalizations have decreased by five since Tuesday and now total 61 across the province. Patients in intensive care have decreased by two and now total 19 throughout Quebec.

Over the past day, 72,398 vaccines were administered across the province for a total of 10,840,838 since December 2020.

There have now been 11,240 deaths in Quebec since the pandemic began, 377,034 confirmed cases, 3,877,842 negative cases, and 364,930 COVID-19 recoveries.

All of Quebec has been downgraded to the Green Zone, meaning no areas of the province are currently in Yellow, Orange, or Red Zones, according to the government’s colour-coded COVID-19 restriction alert map.

Physical distancing guidelines between people in Quebec have been reduced from the oft-mentioned two metres.

People from different households need to stay separated by only one metre, both indoors and outdoors.

Retail stores across the province no longer need to enforce a maximum customer capacity.

According to the Quebec government, during activities where people are seated (such as a show), customers must sit one seat apart, except when eating in the dining room or common area.

As of 12:01 am, bars and restaurants in Quebec will be allowed to serve alcohol until 1 am, an hour later than the rules that are currently in place.

Outdoor stadiums, venues, and festivals can increase audience capacity to 15,000 people as of August 1.

Santé Quebec says that people must continue to wear face masks in public indoor places. Earlier in the spring, Premier François Legault estimated the indoor mask mandate would expire in August, assuming cases continue to drop and vaccination ramps up.

The distribution of cases in Quebec by age group is as follows:

The distribution of provincial deaths per age group is as follows:

Canada’s COVID-19 death toll is now 26,560, along with 1,427,917 total cases.

DH Montreal StaffDH Montreal Staff

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