"What is your plan?": Open letter criticizes Bell for firing Lisa LaFlamme

Aug 28 2022, 4:50 pm

Readers of the Globe and Mail on Saturday might have noticed an unusual advertisement – an open letter calling out Bell for firing Lisa LaFlamme.

The letter was published as an ad in the paper and was signed by notable and famous Canadians.

From artists like Sarah McLachlan, Anne Murray, and Jann Arden to human rights advocates like Roméo Dallaire and heavyweights in Canadian journalism and publishing – over 70 names are on the list.

LaFlamme was the first to address her departure from Bell in a video shared on social media in mid-August. She said she was “blindsided” by the company, which let her go due to a “business decision.”

Since then, Canadians have rallied in support of LaFlamme and have quickly criticized Bell Media for how it handled the situation.

From brands like Wendy’s and Dove to CTV alum Lloyd Robertson and members of the public signing petitions – LaFlamme, who hasn’t responded publically to any subsequent fallout since her first video, is not standing alone.

Now, an open letter addressed to the Board of Directors and the management of BCE and Bell Canada calls for Bell to “make things right” at last.

“Bell Media’s ‘business decision’ to fire CTV National News anchor Lisa LaFlamme, in the very prime of her career…struck at the heart of not only who we are as Canadians, but who we aspire to be,” reads the letter.

“In making their ‘business decision,’ Bell confirmed one sad truth: even after all the progress women have made, they continue to face sexism and ageism at work every day in a way which is unacceptable.”

The letter points out that it’s not just the initial firing that is the issue at hand – it’s how the company responded to their mistake.

“And that is where Bell has failed for the second time,” reads the letter.

The letter calls out Bell for eroding Canadian’s trust and calls on them to act.

“Bell, what is your plan, what will to you do, to restore this trust and make things right? What will you do not just for Lisa but for us all?”

As for Bell, executive Michael Melling is “taking a leave” following LaFlamme’s dismissal.

The company’s CEO Mirko Bibic announced an upcoming “workplace review” and denied that LaFlamme was discriminated against.

“The narrative has been that Lisa’s age, gender or grey hair played into the decision. I am satisfied that this is not the case and wanted to make sure you heard it from me,” he wrote in a LinkedIn post on Friday.