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Adorable new chimpanzee statues have been permanently set up in Montreal

Nov 22 2021, 5:18 pm

A couple of adorable new chimpanzees have set up camp in Montreal.

Happily chilling on the corner of Drummond and Sherbrooke, these bronze statues are a creation of Quebec-born artist Laurence Vallières — who specializes in large-scale creations, especially of the primate variety.

Over the summer, Vallières set up a gorilla statue in an alleyway on Wellington Street in Verdun.

The artist told Daily Hive that monkeys “represent humans” to her. “They are so close to us that it is very easy to anthropomorphize them. In this sculpture I am representing monkeys at work, in the office, having a hard time concentrating. One is reading the newspaper, the other one is just staring into the abyss.”

Vallières says having the 600-pound chimp statues placed on Sherbrooke, close to hotels, museums, shopping centres, and universities bring a “whimsical charm and softness” to her work.

Before the sculpture is finalized in bronze, Vallières says her process involves first making the structure out of cardboard and then wax.


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