A kangaroo was caught hopping through the streets of this Australian city (VIDEO)

Apr 20 2020, 10:46 pm

While we continue to do our part to flatten the curve by physically distancing and staying at home, a kangaroo in Australia took advantage of the empty streets and hopped its way across the heart of Adelaide, one of the largest cities in the country, with a population of over 1.2 million people.

Footage of the kangaroo’s antics was captured by CCTV and shared to Twitter by the South Australia Police.

“Protective Security Officers tracked a suspect wearing a grey fur coat hopping through the heart of the #adelaide CBD this morning,” the tweet jokes.

“He was last seen on foot heading into the West Parklands.”

In the video, there is an instance in which the kangaroo narrowly escapes being hit by a vehicle, but luckily, it does.

Animals around the world have been seen emerging in unexpected areas due to the absence of people.

Other instances include goats taking over a town in Wales, wildlife returning to usually populated areas of Yosemite National Park, and a trio of penguins roaming the streets of a town in South Africa.

It demonstrates how seriously people are taking the lockdown, which is a good thing.