A major snow melt? Edmonton forecast for week of November 22 to 28

Nov 22 2021, 4:43 pm

What a difference a week makes. After a dump of snow last week, the forecast for Edmonton this week looks stunning.

According to Environment Canada, we are set to see multiple days above the freezing, leaving us wondering just how much snow will be left by the end of the week.

Kicking off the week is a high of 6ºC for Monday with mostly cloudy skies and an overnight low of -3ºC.

Tuesday and Wednesday are the chilliest days this week, with highs of -3ºC and -3ºC, respectively, and a mix of sun and cloud for both days.

Thursday and Friday treat us to a glowing 11ºC and 5ºC. Amazing!

Edmonton forecast

Environment Canada

Saturday and Sunday are looking good, with a high of -1ºC and 1ºC for each day.

We are doing pretty dang good for this time of year. According to the EC, seasonal temperatures this time of year typically max out at -3ºC with a minimum of -11ºC.

So there you have it Edmonton, it looks like we have a gorgeous week ahead of us. Make sure to get out there and enjoy it by checking out some events in the city. Why not!

Laine MitchellLaine Mitchell

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