Calgary temperature expected to swing by almost 30°C again this week

Jan 30 2023, 9:46 pm

The saying “if you don’t like the weather in Calgary wait 30 minutes” has never been more true, as another wild temperature swing is expected.

On Sunday, the temperature dipped to -22.3°C in Calgary, which was a swing from where it was earlier in the week at almost 10°C.

Well, according to Environment and Climate Change Canada, that is about to happen again, the other way.

Calgary temperature

Environment Canada

With the exception of Wednesday night, the temperature is expected to warm up gradually throughout the week.

It reaches its peak on Friday and Saturday, with the daytime high back in the positives at 6°C.

That is a swing of almost 29°C in a matter of weeks.

It is also a bit warmer than the average for this time of year. Usually, we start February around -1°C. It still doesn’t get us close to breaking any records, though. The warmest February 3 the city has ever seen was 15.3°C in 2015.

This is getting us ready for what is expected to be a bit of a wild spring as we start to settle into warmer temperatures.

Overall, the weather this winter has been a little rough with Calgary getting dumped on a few times.

Hopefully, things stay warm for a while so we can enjoy some of the great outdoor events that are happening across the city right now.

Peter KleinPeter Klein

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