Victoria residents are outraged over these Value Village markups

Sep 18 2024, 8:57 pm

If youā€™re a thrifting pro, chances are youā€™ve browsed through Value Village countless times, and maybe you’ve noticed some eyebrow-raising items.

With over 300 locations across the US and Canada, the secondhand giant has been a go-to spot for Canadians seeking hidden gems for years. Lately, though, the treasure hunts arenā€™t yielding quite the same rewards.

For example, Daily Hive has reported on one shopper who spotted a kitty litter storage box at Value Village with the contents of its former userā€™s bowels still inside; another shopper saw a dirty, unwashed set of plastic dishes selling for $10.

It’s gotten ridiculous — and Victoria is taking note.

In a recent VictoriaBC subreddit post, one user called out the “ridiculous” markups at downtown Victoria’s Value Village, highlighting a vase priced at over $50. A darker sense of humour followed, with another commenter quipping that the high price must include the ashes.

Value Village has lost its mind
byu/Guacamelia inVictoriaBC

Now, the conversation has shifted to calling out the chain as a whole, noting that its original purpose was thought to be serving lower-income families and individuals. However, people are highlighting that itā€™s ultimately a for-profit company, unlike the charity-based Salvation Army.

“Value Village is very much for profit (they trade on the NYSE asĀ SVV),” said r/mi11er.

“Value Village is a for-profit company. You can buy shares on the stock market. It’s about profit, not helping poor people,” added r/AnSionnachan.

People are also pointing out all the ridiculous items they’ve seen marked up at Value Village, such as glass milk bottles and empty wine bottles for $5. One person pointed out it wasn’t always like this, though.

“I remember getting my entire wardrobe for like $50 back in the day. $3.99 shirts and $5 pants,” said r/laCarteBlanc. “Now I buy $300 jeans and $150 T-shirts and donate to Our Place. Bring your garbage to VV.”

Many people pointed out the awesome thrift stores around Victoria, some of which have better quality products at similar prices, or lower prices in general.

But, Value Village has become so synonymous with thrifting that some are suggesting a full-on boycott or a petition to stop the price hikes.

Have you found any odd or marked-up items at your local Value Village? Let us know in the comments or email us at [email protected].

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