BC could be closer to ending yearly time change as new move made in California

Mar 11 2024, 10:28 pm

If you’re feeling a little tired after this weekend’s time change, you’re not alone, as lots of BC residents are complaining. But could an end to the complaints be coming anytime soon?

BC residents have held out hope since October 2019, when then-BC Premier John Horgan announced legislation to keep the clocks on daylight time year-round.

According to Horgan, our neighbours to the south were the only thing holding the BC government back from sticking to year-round daylight time.

What just happened in California?

Current premier David Eby has also suggested that he supports the change with alignment from our southern neighbours.

“In 2019, more than 93% of a record 223,000 British Columbians told us they wanted to remain on year-round daylight saving time,” Eby’s team told Daily Hive.

In that communication, we were told that BC is waiting for Washington, Oregon, and California, and now it seems there is a bit of movement.

A report from CBS News highlights that California State Senator Roger Niello is collaborating with other leaders from Oregon and Washington to say adios to the time change.

“If my legislation prevails next November, we’ll turn them back again, and we’ll never change them again after that,” the CBS report states.

Mike Padden is a US senator who recently commented about Daylight Saving time. In January, we learned that California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho have formed a coalition with the hopes of proposing legislation to make Pacific Standard Time permanent.

“If there is one issue most people agree on, it’s the dislike of moving their clocks from standard time to Daylight Saving Time in the spring and then back to standard time in the fall,” Padden said.

“There have been scientific studies connecting several health problems with switching back and forth between standard time and Daylight Saving Time, including greater risks of heart attacks and more frequent workplace injuries. This bill would allow Washington to finally ‘ditch the switch’ by keeping us on standard time permanently.”

The one snag in the alignment plans is that California wants to stick to standard time, whereas BC wants to stick to daylight time.

Folks are tired

Social media has been flooded by people complaining about a lack of sleep.

As this person said on Reddit, “For the love of God, no more Daylight Saving Time!”

Others chimed in on the thread, saying, “Why do we have to wait on the states? Just make the change.”

Someone else said, “Just had my worst sleep of the year. Thanks, daylight saving time 👍.”

Based on the CBS report, it sounds like California wants to fall back this November and never spring forward again.

“I would have preferred permanent DT since I would rather have more evening light hours than morning light hours, but it’s all kind of moot anyway,” another Redditor said.

In the meantime, for BC residents: yawn.

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