These spots near Vancouver could be the hottest places in the province today

Jun 20 2024, 7:17 pm

Summer is making a grand entrance in BC, and we are feeling the heat! The summer solstice officially arrives at 1:51 pm PT and the weather forecast shows the new season kicking off with a punch of heat.

According to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), one of the hottest spots in BC as we close out the spring season Thursday was Cultus Lake Provincial Park, located southwest of Chilliwack.

Vancouver weather


Around 12 pm, Squamish Airport hit more than 26°C.

The forecast from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)  shows temperatures on Thursday and Friday reaching expected highs of 28°C and 29°C inland with a UV index of 6 or higher.

Near the water, it will be a bit cooler but still above average in places like Vancouver.

Summer weather Vancouver


Based on the high humidex estimates for today and tomorrow, temperatures across much of Metro Vancouver could feel hotter than 30°C.

According to ECCC, the weather is expected to cool down slightly by Saturday, with a mix of sun and cloud and a high of 22°C, and then a bit closer to seasonal average temperatures on Sunday. Sunday could also bring a chance of showers in some areas.

Meantime, in the Fraser Valley, the temperature is expected to be even hotter over the next couple of days before a slight weekend cooldown.

Vancouver weather


According to ECCC, coastal parts of BC are the only places in Canada where average or slightly cooler-than-normal summer temperatures are expected this year.

For more summer forecast predictions, check out the extended weather forecast from the Farmers’ Almanac.

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