"Slap in the face": Trudeau Tofino trip denounced by Indigenous group

Oct 1 2021, 7:39 pm

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s whereabouts on the country’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation are being called out.

On Thursday, September 30, Trudeau’s official itinerary had him originally in private meetings all day in Ottawa, Ontario. The itinerary was later updated to reflect that he was in Tofino, BC.

A tweet on Thursday, September 30 from the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs said that Justin Trudeau’s arrogant dismissal of the invitations extended by Tk’emlúps te Secwepemc was a “slap in the face” to residential school Survivors.

“If this event was before the election; Trudeau would be there on both knees,” they said.

The Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs had previously said that more support was needed for Indigenous communities and Survivors of residential schools.

Photos and videos circulated on social media of the Prime Minister on the beach and on the patio of a waterfront vacation property.

Trudeau said that he spent some time on the phone speaking with residential school Survivors, but he turned down multiple invitations to meet face to face with Tk’emlúps te Secwepemc to spend the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation together.

A grassroots Canadian movement to support Indigenous people called One Day’s Pay is helping to raise funds that go directly to Indigenous communities.

Sarah AndersonSarah Anderson

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