New plan to add 30,000 residents at SkyTrain station in New Westminster

Oct 4 2024, 10:14 pm

If this plan is fully implemented, the immediate area surrounding SkyTrain’s 22nd Street Station could experience a population increase equivalent to about one-third of New Westminster’s current population.

The City of New Westminster has released its concept for densifying the area around 22nd Street Station, which is currently mainly a single-family residential neighbourhood.

Over the long term, upon full buildout, the “reGENERATE: A Vision for 22nd Street Neighbourhood” transit-oriented development area plan would introduce 30,000 residents to an area roughly equivalent to the size of Vancouver’s Hastings Park. This area is approximately framed by Fenwick Avenue and Schara Tzedeck Cemetery to the west, 10th Avenue to the north, 17th Street to the east, and Marine Way to the south.

The plan calls for the greatest densities and heights of 20 or more storeys for the city blocks closest to the transit hub, with a floor area ratio density of a floor area that is five times larger than the size of the lot.

The surrounding city blocks further out would see lower densities and heights of mid-rise and low-rise buildings, with the overall area plan’s prescriptions and stipulations using the provincial government’s new Transit-Oriented Area legislation as a guide. It is noted that additional residential density and height could be considered based on a project’s public benefit offerings, such as the inclusion of infrastructure, community amenities, and affordable housing.

The intent is to catalyze a mix of housing tenures and affordability levels.

skytrain 22nd street station transit-oriented development

Transit-Oriented Area of SkyTrain 22nd Street Station, according to provincial legislation. (City of New Westminster)

skytrain 22nd street station transit-oriented development

Concept for transit-oriented development at SkyTrain 22nd Street Station. (City of New Westminster)

skytrain 22nd street station transit-oriented development

Concept for transit-oriented development at SkyTrain 22nd Street Station. (City of New Westminster)

The high-density core surrounding the transit hub would see a concentration of neighbourhood-serving retail, restaurants, and community services and facilities.

Such redevelopments would sprout out of a reimagined car-light, pedestrian-centred streetscape. This includes transforming the north-south 22nd Street leading from the transit hub into a “Great Street,” with a new pedestrian-oriented street design closest to the station and a park-like street design between Edinburgh and London streets.

Additionally, 21st Street, closest to the station, where it intersects with Hamilton Street, would be converted into a large central plaza seamlessly connected to the SkyTrain station by a new pedestrian overpass bridge above 7th Avenue.

The area plan also contemplates a new network of bike lanes, multi-use pathways, and “green streets” across the neighbourhood.

It is noted that climate action is the City’s primary rationale for pursuing such an area plan, with the planning process first beginning in 2020. Progress on the work was delayed due to the pandemic.

“As an outcome of its 2019 declaration of the climate emergency, in February 2020 Council endorsed creating a bold vision for a climate-friendly neighbourhood centred around the 22nd Street SkyTrain Station. It was directed that the vision should respond to the climate emergency, and the City’s Seven Bold Steps for Climate Action, while also incorporating other Council priorities such as affordable housing, equity, and inclusion,” reads a City staff report, which also notes the area plan will take on First Nations considerations.

Existing condition:

skytrain 22nd street station transit-oriented development

Existing condition of the single-family neighbourhood surrounding SkyTrain 22nd Street Station. (Google Maps)

Future condition:

skytrain 22nd street station transit-oriented development

Concept for transit-oriented development at SkyTrain 22nd Street Station. (City of New Westminster)

A portion of the $11.4 million the City received from the federal government’s Housing Accelerator Fund will cover the municipal government’s area planning process costs.

Correspondingly, in order to accommodate future ridership growth, TransLink is in the very early stages of planning major renovations for 22nd Street Station, which also features a major bus exchange.

According to TransLink statistics, 22nd Street Station was the 16th busiest station out of 53 stations on the SkyTrain network in 2023, with an annual tally of 3.4 million boardings. It averaged 10,700 boardings per weekday, 7,300 per Saturday, and 5,800 per Sunday/holiday.

As of 2023, according to the provincial government’s population estimates, New Westminster has a population of 88,410 residents. This is expected to climb to 100,000 by 2030 and 140,000 by 2046.

skytrain 22nd street station new westminster

SkyTrain 22nd Street Station in New Westminster. (Google Maps)

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