Man gets six-month sentence in Vancouver homicide investigation

Sep 7 2023, 10:18 pm

A suspect was handed a six-month sentence after pleading guilty to manslaughter in the death of a 60-year-old man after a homicide investigation by Vancouver Police.

News of the assault goes back to August 5, 2021, when the 12th homicide of the year occurred after an assault in an East Vancouver park.

Gilles Herbert, 60, was allegedly assaulted at Grandview Park near Commercial Drive and Charles Street that afternoon and became unconscious. He was then taken to hospital, where he died from his injuries.

At the time of the assault, police were looking for people who may have been driving or walking by “and may have not realized the severity of the assault.”

The Vancouver Police Department’s Homicide unit led the investigation after the assault took place.

Jeff Arnie Lincoln, 41, pleaded guilty to manslaughter and received his sentence on August 30. Lincoln was sentenced to six months in prison, plus credit for 21 months that was served before the ruling. Lincoln was 39 at the time of the assault.

VPD says he will serve two years of probation plus subject to a 10-year firearms prohibition after being released from custody.

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