Dog owners warned after treats found near broken glass in North Vancouver (PHOTO)

Feb 9 2022, 9:38 pm

North Vancouver dog owners will want to keep a watchful eye on their furry friends while on walks after RCMP were told about dog treats placed next to shards of glass on February 7.

Glass shards dog treats North Van

North Vancouver RCMP/Website

It seems to have been intentional, North Vancouver RCMP said in a statement, warning people to be careful while taking their pets outside.

Fortunately, no dogs have been harmed yet, but one pet owner told police their dog found the treats in a hollowed-out tree stump at Mosquito Creek Park.

North Vancouver RCMP/Website

The owner reported the situation to police, who urged anyone who uses the trail system in the area to stay sharp if they plan to take pets with them.

“Please continue to be vigilant when out with your dogs on the trails and report anything suspicious as soon as possible,” said Constable Kelly McIntyre in a statement.

Anyone with relevant information can contact the RCMP.

Aly LaubeAly Laube

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