Sony, Orange Julius among most hated companies in Canada

Oct 5 2021, 4:00 pm

Sony, Orange Julius, and Game Freak are among some of the most hated brands in Canada according to some new research.

Using SentiStrength, the same language analysis tool used to determine that Pacific Central in Vancouver was Canada’s most stressful train station, Rave analyzed brands in a variety of sectors, including gaming, tech, and food.

Some of the companies that made the list may surprise you.

The various companies included on the list were ranked by their “hate rate” percentages.

Alongside the various tech, gaming, and food brands, there was also a general list of global brands.

hated canada

Rave Reviews

One of the most interest takeaways from the findings, is that Game Freak, the makers behind the insanely popular Pokemon franchise, have a 100% hate rate.

Also, Orange Julius, the popular shopping mall beverage provider, is Canada’s most hated fast food establishment.

The 10 Most Hated Food Companies in Canada

  • Orange Julius (47.06%)
  • Wendy’s (41.65%)
  • Tim Hortons (37.98%)
  • McDonald’s (36.82%)
  • Little Caesars (36.73%)
  • Subway (36.11%)
  • KFC (34.85%)
  • Domino’s (33.85%)
  • Taco Bell (33.33%)
  • Starbucks (31.99%)

The 10 Most Hated Gaming Companies in Canada

  • Game Freak (100%)
  • Rockstar Games (72.22%)
  • Ubisoft (63.81%)
  • Capcom (63.05%)
  • Naughty Dog (56.44%)
  • Activision (52.75%)
  • Epic Games (47.24%)
  • id Software (47.22%)
  • Relic (46.62%)
  • Sega Games (46.15%)

The 10 Most Hated Global Companies in Canada

  • Sony (49.09%)
  • Dell (47.10%)
  • Uber (45.64%)
  • Ford (45.01%)
  • Red Bull (42.17%)
  • Tesla (38.97%)
  • Coca-Cola (38.78%)
  • Vodafone (38.46%)
  • ESPN (38.35%)
  • Facebook (37.24%)

When it comes to big tech, Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook all received a similar hate rating in the mid 30s.

You can find the full report from RAVE Reviews here.

Amir AliAmir Ali

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