Most Metro Vancouver residents willing to make less money for shorter commute: survey

May 15 2019, 1:17 am

Three-in-10 residents of Metro Vancouver are finding their weekday commute to be “annoying,” according to the findings of a recent survey conducted by Research Co.

At the same time, the vast majority (68%) actually described their commute as “pleasant.”

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Interestingly, commute perceptions vary between the mode of transportation, with 31% who drive to school or work more likely to indicate their commute is now worse than in 2014. Conversely, a lower proportion of 19% of the respondents who commute by public transit said the same.

When it comes to transportation mode preference, 48% indicated their ideal choice would be to drive, while 28% would prefer to take public transit, 14% would walk, and 7% would bike.

A minority of 20% consider their commute to be “better” than it was five years ago, while 25% think it is “worse” and 49% do not think there have been any major changes.

Those who say their trips to school or work are “very” or “moderately” pleasant are primarily satisfied with being in control of the entertainment (19%), dealing with traffic that is usually manageable (15%), and getting things done on the way, such as reading the news or answering emails (14%).

Overall, the factors that frustrate annoyed commuters the most are traffic (28%), dealing with bad drivers (20%), and overcrowding on public transit (16%).

Up until a recent decision by the provincial government, tolls on new bridges were used to not only help fund such road crossings but also control traffic volumes. Respondents were asked whether they would support tolls on roads and bridges if it meant a guaranteed a shorter time to get to school or work, but they were divided, with 48% disagreeing with tolls and 43% agreeing.

Additionally, 81% say living close to their workplace is important to them, and 78% noted they would work from home more often if they could to avoid their commute.

A majority of respondents would also choose a prospective employer based on the location of the workplace, with 75% of respondents expressing this opinion.

As well, 55% would seriously consider moving from their current home if they changed jobs and had a longer commute. Slightly over half (51%) would even be willing to make less money if they can get a job that is closer to home.

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