Metro Vancouver husky needs a home after 9 months in a shelter

Jun 6 2022, 5:58 pm

A beautiful dog that’s been in and out of shelters has been waiting nine months now for a new home ā€“ that’s like five dog years.

Bylaw Enforcement & Animal Services Manager Aaron Hilgerdenaar from the City of Coquitlam told Daily Hive that Gemma, an 11-year-old husky, is available for adoption and has received “a significant amount of interest recently.”

She was originally adopted from the Coquitlam Animal Shelter as a young dog.

“Unfortunately, she found herself left at another shelter last year and came back to us,” said Hilgerdenaar.



“She has been at the shelter for nine months now, which is atypically long, as we do our best to place dogs in the best, forever home, as soon as possible.”

“Gemma is playful and silly and would love to sleep on your bed with you,”

She is looking for a pet-free, child-free home where she’ll get to be with her people.

“She also needs her people to be home most of the time as she does suffer from separation anxiety,” said Hilgerdenaar.

“We are happy to see the number of people who want to help and give Gemma a wonderful retirement home.”

You can learn more about Gemma on PetFinder, and there are dozens of other animals in the Lower Mainland that need loving homes, too.

“We encourage anyone who is looking to add a pet to their family to search at a local shelter,” said Hilgerdenaar.

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Sarah AndersonSarah Anderson

Sarah is a Daily Hive Staff Writer based in Vancouver.

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