Here's how Canadians can help Ukraine amid Russia's invasion

Feb 24 2022, 8:23 pm

Russian President Vladimir Putin has launched an invasion on Ukraine after years of political tension that has escalated in the last few weeks.

On Thursday, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky called the attack “a declaration of war against the whole of Europe” on Twitter.

As troops flood the borders, protests have erupted across Eastern Europe in support of Ukraine.

Canadians may have seen videos of the dire situation on the ground in cities like Kyiv and Kharkiv, where civilians are evacuating and sheltering from explosions.

You may be wondering how you can help from across the pond. Thankfully, Ukrainians have gathered a list of reputable resources on ways foreigners can help.


Donate to these organizations who are supplying medical aid to those on the frontlines:

Razom for Ukraine

United Help Ukraine

Fundraiser for Sunflower of Peace

Revived Soldiers Ukraine

Donate to this organization that helps children affected by the war in Ukraine:

Voices of Children

Be skeptical of your news sources

Local publications in Ukraine like The Kyiv Independent are working hard to ensure the facts are being reported, instead of Russian propaganda.

Freelance reporter Jane Lytvynenko has shared a helpful list of media channels spreading Russian propaganda on Twitter.

You can also donate to The Kyiv Independent through their Patreon and GoFundMe.

Get educated

Here’s a brief explainer on the history that led up to the Russian invasion. If you want a more in-depth look, Instagram user Kateryna Gudziak has provided a list of educational books that explain the conflict in more detail.


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