These are the most searched for, high paying jobs in Vancouver

Jul 18 2017, 12:43 am

Beautiful but expensive.

That’s probably a pretty apt description for Van City. It’s a common complaint, particularly among millennials who are struggling to make ends meet in this little West Coast mecca that we like to call home.

High costs and low income add up to a frustrating time for those trying to put down roots here. But there are some jobs out there that are coughing up the cash to give people a good quality of life, alongside all the avo toast they can eat.

So what are they?

Thankfully the folk over at job search site have been crunching the numbers to uncover which high-paying careers are proving most popular among Vancouver job hunters.

The company looked back at data from the past year to see which job titles got the highest number of clicks from their users.

They then estimated the salaries based on data from employees and users, as well as past and present advertisers.

Full Stack Developer FTW

Their data showed the position of “Full Stack Developer” is Vancouver’s most wanted job with a staggering year-on-year surge in interest of 110%.

Whatever a Full Stack Developer is, they’re earning $81,312 a year, so you may want to look into it.

Coming in second is Data Warehouse Engineer, with a 107% year-on-year growth in interest, and a $91,075 salary.

Next up is Senior System Engineer (98%) rounding out the top three, with a salary of $93,313 up for grabs.

Looking for even more buck for your bang? Try being a Development Director, which was only 9th most searched job on the list–but with a salary of $110,608 a year.

“Today’s job seeker is savvy and knows exactly what they’re looking for, and using Indeed data we’re able to see which jobs they’re most interested in,” said Jodi Kasten, managing director at Indeed Canada.

“With Vancouver’s vibrant tech scene, it’s no surprise that 5 out of the 10 most wanted jobs in Vancouver are tech-related.”

10 most wanted high paying jobs in Vancouver

  1. Full Stack Developer ($81,312)
  2. Data Warehouse Engineer ($91,075)
  3. Senior System Engineer ($93,313)
  4. Machine Learning Engineer ($103,392)
  5. Asset Manager ($96,199)
  6. Data Scientist ($95,381)
  7. Electrical Engineer ($76,468)
  8. Senior Mechanical Engineer ($94,609)
  9. Development Director ($110,608)
  10. Nurse Practitioner ($82,243)


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