Vancouver's famous corpse flower won't smell this year and this is why

Sep 21 2023, 10:24 pm

If you wanted to smell the famous odour emitted by the corpse flower in Vancouver, you might think this news totally stinks.

Unfortunately for thrill-seeking sniffers, the scent of rotting flesh from the corpse flower (also known as the titan arum) won’t be back this year.

The 14-year-old plant will be in a “unique leaf form rather than its signature stinky bloom.”

But, for plant enthusiasts, it is still a big deal.

“This will be the first time we display the titan arum at this stage of its life cycle,” Bloedel Conservatory Superintendent Andrew Fleming explained.

The plant has gained a lot of notoriety in recent years after it bloomed for the first time in July 2018.

corpse flower

An image of Uncle Fester, commonly known as the corpse flower, at the Bloedel Conservatory in 2021. (Vancouver Park Board)

Folks were able to catch a whiff of the noxious scent when it bloomed again in 2021. We checked it out and wrote a review.

“After two years of dormancy, the 14-year-old plant began to grow again, soaring to nearly a metre in just the last month. In the coming weeks, this pace will amplify, with daily growth reaching up to eight centimetres.

“In the world of botany, the life cycle of the titan arum is a marvel. To witness its growth and transformation is remarkable,” Andrew Fleming says. “We encourage the public to come and experience this botanical wonder for themselves.”

To buy tickets to check out this marvel, head to the website.

Claire FentonClaire Fenton

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