An adorable corgi beach party is happening in Vancouver this weekend

Jul 4 2018, 3:41 am

What’s better than one corgi? Hundreds of corgis frolicking on the beach, of course.

The very adorable Vancouver Corgi Beach Day will take place on July 7 at Spanish Banks and will feature plenty of very cute corgis.

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A corgi race is scheduled to take place during the event, sending the winner home with a prize worth over $100.

Organizers ask participants to leave toys and treats at home and remember to bring some water for yourself and your pup in case it gets hot out there!

This is going to be one puppy party you don’t want to miss!

Vancouver Corgi Beach Day 2018

When: Saturday, July 7

Where: Meet at Spanish Banks West Parking Lot A (the off-leash section of the beach)

Time: 10 am to 1 pm

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