BC government launches new public survey on highway infrastructure conditions

Jul 11 2019, 9:13 pm

The BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is seeking the public’s feedback on their experiences with the provincial highway system.

See also

A new survey launched late last week, asks the public to share what they think about the ministry’s services, such as highway operations, rehabilitation and maintenance, transportation projects, DriveBC’s highway conditions information, and inland ferries.

Questions in the survey also specifically relate to gauging opinions on the overall condition of the highway system’s pavement, pavement line markings, signage, and rest areas, as well as satisfaction with highway reliability and improvements.

The data will be collected and analyzed to help understand how the ministry is doing in specific service and geographic areas, and will help the government make “well-informed decisions moving forward.”

The online survey will close on September 3, 2019, and it is also available physically at some locations, such as rest areas, inland ferry terminals, and public spaces along highways.

Within Metro Vancouver, the provincial government’s major projects currently include expanding the interchanges of Highway 1 near the north end of the Ironworkers Memorial Bridge in North Vancouver, widening Highway 1 through Langley, replacing the Pattullo Bridge, adding a new counterflow lane to the Alex Fraser Bridge, and building new interchanges for Highway 91/17 and Deltaport Way.

However, a solution to the ageing and congested George Massey Tunnel is likely still years away.

See also
Kenneth ChanKenneth Chan

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