On Sunday evening, two siblings were stuck at the Scarborough Bluffs and had to call the police for assistance.
According to police, the siblings were looking to take a selfie before being stranded, and were charged following the incident.
This also prompted the City of Toronto to remind the public about the associated fines with trespassing at the popular city park. “Entry into restricted areas is trespassing, with potential fines of up to $10,000; other charges may also apply,” states the City’s website.
They have also said that it’s “never worth a selfie.”
Never worth a selfie. Entry into restricted areas at #ScarboroughBluffs comes with $10,000 fines. See a trespasser? Call police right away pic.twitter.com/AOZFBt1kZR
— City of Toronto (@TorontoComms) July 11, 2017
Parts of the Scarborough Bluffs have been closed to the public since April’s big rainfall, when the Toronto and Region Conservation (TRCA) began to warn the public about safety at the Bluffs.
“Since April approximately 15 significant landslides have occurred along the Scarborough Bluffs shoreline, with additional landslides predicted to occur,” states the TRCA.
Last year, the Toronto Fire Services responded to 19 calls from the Bluffs, and 15 people had to be rescued. So far this year, they have responded to seven calls, and three people have been rescued. On Sunday, police described the sibling rescue incident as “dangerous and waste of resources.”
#TorontoFire attended 7 Bluffs calls with 46 units dispatched & 3 persons rescued so far in 2017 pic.twitter.com/hpeA7KzWrk
— Toronto Fire Service (@Toronto_Fire) July 10, 2017
The City continues to urge the public to obey all signage and to avoid restricted areas.
Especially if it’s for a selfie.