Access to Scarborough Bluffs' shoreline prohibited for public safety

Jun 2 2017, 10:16 pm

The Toronto and Region Conservation (TRCA) continue to warn the public about safety at the Scarborough Bluffs following the significant rainfall since April.

Scarborough Bluffs

Photo of Scarborough Bluffs shoreline/May 20

The TRCA said that it has become aware through aerial and drone photography that the public have not respected the warnings, cautions and sign postings in the area.

“The risk to public safety is a significant and real concern, therefore access to the shoreline has been and will continue to be prohibited for public safety reasons,” states the conservation agency.

Since April, approximately 15 significant landslides have occurred along the Scarborough Bluffs shoreline, according to the TRCA. And as lake levels continue to rise the Bluffs will continue to erode and additional landslides are predicted to occur.

Earlier in May, the TRCA’s Scarborough Waterfront Team released a warning about risks due to landslides and shoreline erosion along the Bluffs.

scarborough bluffs


“This erosive activity can create washout on the lakeside edge of the trail. This washout is not always visible when standing on the trail, if water levels are high,” they stated. “This poses a risk to users as the edges of the paths are being compromised. Just like the edges of the Bluffs, the path edge can slide at any moment under these conditions.”

The Bluffs have become saturated with water and landslides are more likely to occur in these conditions. Paths are being eroded, as well as the beach.

The TRCA is asking residents to obey the warnings and signs that have been posted in areas where access is temporarily being prohibited for the public’s safety.

scarborough bluffs may 2017

Photo of Scarborough Bluffs shoreline/May 20

See also
Yasmin AboelsaudYasmin Aboelsaud

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