Here are all 76 locations of Toronto's new red light cameras (MAP)

Jan 17 2017, 11:05 pm

Last week, the City of Toronto introduced its massive Vision Zero Road Safety Plan.

The $54 million project plans to target the elimination of fatalities and reducing serious injuries with an emphasis on pedestrians, school children, older adults, cyclists, aggressive and distracted driving, and motorcyclists.

One of the initiatives through the Vision Zero Road Safety Plan was a new five year Red Light Camera Program.

The program sees 76 new red light cameras installed at intersections throughout the cities. Previously, the city had 77 cameras already in place.

“Since the inception of red light cameras in Toronto in 2000, the number of angle collisions (those most indicative of red-light running) causing fatalities, serious injuries or property damage has been reduced by over 60 per cent,” states the City. “Based on collision data, 76 new red light camera sites are currently under construction.”

Below is a map outlining all the new red light camera locations being installed in 2017.

See also