Raptors are officially getting a street named after them in Toronto

Jun 20 2019, 8:08 pm

Toronto is about to get its second street named after a pro sports team.

On Wednesday, Toronto city council voted on Mayor John Tory’s motion to dedicate a portion of Bremner Boulevard to ‘Raptors Way.’

And sports fans will be happy to know it was a slam dunk vote and the motion was approved without amendment.

See also

Raptors Way will run from York Street to Lake Shore Boulevard West, just outside of Jurassic Park, and will honourĀ the 2019 NBA Championship team.

According to the motion, all the street name signs on Bremner Boulevard will reflectĀ both the official street name and the ceremonial name. The signs will also be Raptors red.

Ainsley SmithAinsley Smith

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