Pornhub is offering free premium memberships to Parkdale residents

Jun 7 2017, 10:14 pm

It’s expensive to live in Toronto.

Rent and housing costs keep skyrocketing, and there’s no relief in sight. Until now. Kind of.

Porn website Pornhub recently learned about Toronto’s Parkdale neighbourhood and the housing crisis in the city. It’s something we’ve all grown too familiar with, especially with strange Parkdale listings like the recent apartment with no bathroom.

So, in good faith and to lend a hand, Pornhub is offering free premium memberships to Parkdale residents.

Yes, really.

“Here at Pornhub, we sympathize with those who have been affected by the housing crisis in Toronto, particularly those in Parkdale. At the very least, we hope it spurred a larger discussion about gentrification and its negative effects on the underprivileged and underserved communities,” stated the major porn site. “In times like these we need to come together.”

And coming together will soon be a reality. Residents of Parkdale will have free access to HD, on-demand streaming services through Pornhub. Residents need to email [email protected] with proof of address, and will receive a code for premium membership valid for one year.

Because during times of stress over rent, who needs to be stressed over porn memberships. Not you, Parkdale residents. Not you.

“While by no means will this quell the issue at hand, we do hope it provides some relief,” states Pornhub.

Wonder if that bathroom-less apartment is still available…

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