Toronto to install CaféTO curbside patios as early as mid-May this year

Jan 18 2022, 6:12 pm

Toronto’s beloved CaféTO program is now accepting registrations from local food establishments to welcome patio diners by spring.

According to the City of Toronto, registration for temporary curb lane patios is now open for local restaurant and bar owners hoping to welcome more customers to dine in their outdoor settings.

“We’re launching CaféTO registration now so this patio program will be up and running as soon as possible to help support restaurants and bars in the spring. Through the program, 1,200 restaurants were supported with curb lane and sidewalk cafés in 2021,” said Mayor John Tory.

“Restaurant and bar patios are an integral part of Toronto’s economy and contribute to the energy and vibrancy of our city.”

Registration ends April 2, which means shortly thereafter, City staff will create plans to safely close curb lanes, adhere to pending public health orders, and install approved CaféTO curb lanes as early as mid-May — just in time for the May long weekend.

Some improvements have been made to the program including an effort to ensure more areas like Scarborough, Etobicoke and North York, are able to take part.

Other efforts include a clearer registration, permitting, and installation process, updated guidebooks, and allowing some owners/operators to build temporary platforms for curb lane café areas, where possible.

A new addition to this year’s program also includes grants which local restaurants are eligible for, up to $7,500 to cover 50% of “the cost of eligible property or site improvements related to curb lane café installations, sidewalk cafés or patios on private property, through the CaféTO Property Improvement Program,” said the city.

In 2021, CaféTO saw 1,213 restaurants with curb lane cafés and provided 940 restaurants with curb lane closures.

Karen DoradeaKaren Doradea

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