Portland Police Bureau releases diversity video to social media

Jun 15 2020, 6:15 pm

On Monday, three weeks to the day that Minneapolis man George Floyd was killed by the police, the Portland Police Bureau released a diversity message video.

The video features a number of police officers asking, “What do you see when you look at me?”

“What makes us unique? The languages we speak? The experiences we’ve had? The mother, father, grandmother, neighbors, and community that raised us?” the video continues. “I am who I am because of all of these things. I did not give up my culture or heritage when I pinned on this badge.”

This message comes the morning after another day and night of protests that included partial escalation involving force to control “civil disturbance” and “unlawful assembly.”

The mayor recently announced that $7 million from the police force budget will be cut from the city’s upcoming financial plan, while Police Chief Resch stepped down from her role to be replaced by Chief Chuck Lovell.

Wyatt FossettWyatt Fossett

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