Energy company donating jet fuel to help deliver essential relief supplies

Apr 29 2020, 10:19 pm

Multinational oil and gas company, BP, is set to provide three million gallons of jet fuel for free to ensure the prompt transport of PPE and other crucial materials to locations in the United States most vulnerable to COVID-19.

The fuel will go to FedEx Express charter flights and Alaska Airlines.

In terms of the environmental repercussions for the substantial amount of jet fuel, according to an official press release, BP will neutralize the carbon emissions from the donations through its Target Natural program.

“Frontline medical providers depend on PPE to treat patients suffering from COVID-19 and to save lives. BP is working to help deliver this equipment quickly by donating jet fuel to air carriers who will get supplies where they need to go,” chairman and president of BP America, Susan Dio, said in the release.

FedEx Express will use the donations to support more than 45 charter flights specifically for international transport in and out of the US to deliver crucial medical supplies, such as ventilators as well as gloves, gowns, and masks.

Where the supplies are delivered will be designated by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, who will determine which communities need them most as determined by information generated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

President and CEO of FedEx Express, Don Colleran, said in the release that FedEx is closely collaborating with the US Department of Defense as well as HHS to provide administrative support on a variety of programs, including the transport of PPE and medical supplies on cargo flights.

“The generous donation of fuel and carbon offsets from BP for these charter flights will reduce the cost for government agencies and support our commitment to sustainability across FedEx Express,” he said.

According to the release, Alaska Airlines is restoring its service to multiple remote communities in Alaska that have recently been isolated due to a local carrier declaring bankruptcy.

In collaboration with BP Alaska and Air BP, the donated fuel will assist Alaska Airlines in activating its “response in support of the supply chain, delivering food, medical supplies, mail, and emergency passenger services,” the release states.

Other airlines have also taken the initiative to lend their services to transport essential materials.

Air Canada recently teamed up with Delmar International to deliver over 25 million pieces of PPE from China to healthcare workers across Canada.

As well, German airline carrier Lufthansa is converting the cabins of its passenger aircraft to transport essential supplies to Germany.