We're no Finland: Canada fails to land top-10 spot in World Happiness Report

Mar 20 2023, 7:19 pm

Canada hasn’t been fairing well lately on global rankings.

Last year, the Great White North lost its title as the best country in the world.

This year, Canada has failed to regain its top-10 spot among the world’s happiest countries.

The World Happiness Report released its 2023 findings on Monday, and for the sixth year in a row, Finland has been named the happiest nation in the world.

Sadly, Canada is not even close to the northern European country’s happiness levels.

The report placed the land of Tim Hortons in the 13th spot this year, up two places from last year’s lowest-ever ranking for the country.

But what are these rankings based on?

The World Happiness Report used global survey data to find out how people evaluate their own lives over three preceding years.

This year’s report includes the three years of COVID-19 from 2020 to 2022.

Canadians gave an average life evaluation of 6.961 compared to Finland’s 7.804.

Besides a person’s average life evaluation, the report also bases the results on six factors: a country’s GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity, perceptions of corruption, and dystopia.

Despite not making the top 10, Canada did beat out its neighbour to the south.

The US claimed the 15th spot with a 6.894 average life evaluation.

Afghanistan finds itself at the bottom of the list ranking low in each of the six factors except for dystopia.

Compared to previous years, Canada dropped four spots from 2020, and six from itsĀ 2019 ranking.

Do you think this ranking is an accurate reflection of how happy Canadians are?