"Poorly managed": Canadian support for immigration hits record low

Oct 20 2024, 6:15 pm

Canadians’ support for immigration has seen a sharp decline, with public opinion reaching its lowest level in decades.

According to a new survey by the Environics Institute, six in ten (58%) Canadians now believe that “the country accepts too many immigrants” — a 14% increase since 2023. Over 2,000 Canadians were interviewed by phone for the survey.

“This is the most rapid change over a two-year period since Focus Canada began asking this question in 1977 and reflects the largest proportion of Canadians who say there is too much immigration since 1998,” reads the survey.

Previously, Canadians had a favourable view of immigration, believing that it contributes to the country’s economy. But that view has changed. Results suggest that public opinion has “effectively flipped,” and more people believe that the country’s current immigration levels are “problematic.”



“For the first time in a quarter century, a clear majority of Canadians say there is too much immigration, with this view strengthening considerably for the second consecutive year,” states the survey. “This trend is evident across the population and driven chiefly by concerns about the economy and housing.”

Canada has certainly seen a massive influx of new immigrants. In 2023, 97.6% of the country’s population increase came from international temporary and permanent immigration.

Many expressed concern over how well immigrants are integrating into society. In all, 35% believe that immigration increases the level of crime. Canadians also say that they’re worried about the potential strain that overpopulation could have on public finances. Many of them believe that there is “too much immigration because it is being poorly managed by government.”

Only 47% believe that refugees should be given priority, and only 33% are in favour of reuniting family members of current citizens. Support is even lower for temporary foreign workers (28%) and international students (27%).


William Perugini/Shutterstock

The situation has prompted the government to make changes in its immigration program, announcing a cap on temporary foreign workers and increasing restrictions on the number of international students.

But that doesn’t mean that most Canadians are entirely against immigration.

Overall, 73% of participants believe that the government should prioritize those with in-demand specialized skills.

The survey states, “The public places most value on immigrants with specialized skills and those with a good education who settle permanently, and less on temporary foreign workers and international students.”

Canadians took to social media to share their thoughts.

Regarding the government’s effort to reduce immigration, Redditor  stated, “Far too late. I don’t know what they were thinking.”

Another pointed out that many were “just afraid to speak their mind.”

“Unfortunately, it has taken immigration going completely out of control for the overtone window to shift enough that questioning the numbers is acceptable,” stated gamfo2.

“Immigration is not a bad thing. Immigration with no plan is a bad thing. Immigration at levels that stress services, access to housing, and oversaturate the labour market is a bad thing,” commented winterbourne.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Let us know in the comments.