Your university years can be some of the best of your life, but it can also be super stressful, which is why we’ve found some of the best places to cry on the University of Calgary campus… just in case.
Whether it’s crushing student debt or an awful professor bringing you to tears, you can always hide in one of these private spots.
Taylor Family Digital Library
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Libraries have a reputation for quiet, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t good places where you can have a little cry. Find a bookshelf with books on the most obscure topics you can find so you know people won’t be walking by anytime soon. You can also book a TFDL workroom here… they’re soundproof!
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Administration Atrium
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The atrium in the administration building is just so pretty that it would take the sting out of whatever is making you cry. Plus, there are so many plants in there that the extra oxygen might help you catch your breath.
Third-floor education
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The third-floor education building has some pretty innovative classrooms and also desk bikes! Get some much-needed endorphins pumping while crying your way through that final paper.
So many students are either exhausted because they haven’t slept, carrying a ton of books between classes, or are just lazy, so most take the elevators to get to class. That means many stairwells tend to be pretty empty. Not many people want to be running up a flight of stairs if they’re late to class and show up sweaty. If you want to make sure you’ve got some privacy, head to the top floor and let it all out.
Women’s Resource Centre
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The Women’s Resource Centre has two private rooms open to anyone. They even have some cozy couches if you need a little rest. You can also check out their peer counselling if you need to talk it out.