The snowfall warning for Calgary has finally ended

Nov 28 2019, 6:35 pm

We made it to the other side, Calgary.

The city was hit by an Environment Canada snowfall warning early Wednesday morning, warning of 15 to 25 falling on YYC and upwards of 50 cm falling at higher elevations to the west.

The warning was called off at around 10:30 am on Thursday, leaving Calgary covered in a fresh sheet of icy white — though not quite as much snow fell on the downtown core as predicted.

Still, Calgarians are now expected to clear their sidewalks within the next 24 hours, and the city will start its Seven-Day Snow Plan to make sure roads are driveable — starting with Priority 1 roadways that see over 20,000 vehicles per day, such as Crowchild Trail, Glenmore Trail, and the downtown core.

A snow route parking ban is not expected to be needed at this time, according to the City of Calgary’s recent release.

And don’t expect things to warm up (too much) this weekend just because the snowfall warning is over. The Weather Network is calling for highs of just -12° on Friday, -7°C on Saturday, and 1°C on Sunday.

The real warmth comes back to Calgary by next Tuesday, when sunny skies will be accompanied by a high of 9°C  and a low of just -3°C.

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

Chandler is an Online Editor for Daily Hive.

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