This year could go down as a historic year for potholes in Calgary

Dec 7 2023, 9:05 pm

It seems like a distant memory now, but Calgary saw unseasonably warm weather for the majority of November and the start of December.

For the City of Calgary, that was a good opportunity for some much-needed road repairs.

Winter crews for the municipal government made progress on pothole work across the city, filling around 5,000 potholes in the month of November.

The City said that was a record number for the month.

“The temperature range in November has been beneficial as we’ve been able to put a lot of focus on pothole repairs,” Chris Hewitt, the City’s manager of maintenance operations and mobility, said in a statement.

“Because we have 24/7 coverage for the snow during these months, we’ve been able to get crews and equipment out at different times of the day.”

The City said, during that time, it would typically be dealing with the snow. The warm weather allowed it to run additional pothole repair crews.

“It is especially helpful overnight when traffic disruptions can be kept to a minimum,” Hewitt said.

As of the end of November, the City said that 2023 was one of the most productive years ever in terms of pothole repairs.

More than 31,000 potholes have been repaired since the beginning of the year through the end of November.

Pothole work is prioritized based on a number of factors, including daily traffic volume, safety impacts, and available resources.

Many of the pothole locations are identified by staff, but Calgarians can still report them if they see them around.

Omar SherifOmar Sherif

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