Calgary Drop-In Centre makes plea for donations during cold snap

Jan 16 2020, 7:27 pm

If you’ve got an extra toque, jacket, or even a pair of warm socks laying around, the Calgary Drop-In Centre is in need of your goodwill.

The centre put out a plea on Monday, January 13, asking for any and all warm clothing, as their own stores had gotten critically low during the cold snap.

“With the deep freeze, we ran out of warm boots and are critically low on warm clothing like coats and sweaters,” the tweet states.

“We could also use gloves, toques, and new underwear.”

Donations are being accepted 24/7 at the Calgary Drop-In Centre shelter, which is located at 3640 11A Street NE.

If there was ever a time to scrounge up some forgotten sweaters in the back of your closet, it would be now, seeing as Calgary has just received its fifth day in a row of -25°C temperatures and has been under and Environment Canada Extreme Cold warning for the past three.

Temperatures are expected to stay below -25°C today, with a low of -27°C.

The weather is actually looking to warm up by this weekend, with a high of -3°C expected by Sunday, but we still have a few frigid days to get through before making it to the end of this cold spell.

Calgarians and businesses alike have responded to the plea, with Local Laundry donating 500 toques, 200 pairs of socks, 50 towels, and 50 shampoos thanks to their #canadianmade #givinggarments program.

And we think that the Twitter account BeaverGoneWild aptly summed up how Alberta responds when there are people in need:

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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