"Worshippers were spat on" at a North Vancouver Islamic centre protest

Nov 30 2022, 12:01 am

North Vancouver RCMP has announced that it has made several arrests concerning a demonstration at an Islamic centre where worshippers were spat on.

According to an RCMP release, around 50 protesters were at the Al Ghadir Islamic Center, located at the Capilano Room, Memorial Community Recreation Centre, for a planned disruption of a prayer service.

During the protest, worshippers were spat on, threatened and assaulted.

The RCMP adds that members of that Islamic centre have been receiving ongoing threats on social media.

To date, the RCMP has made two arrests due to multiple investigations. One protester was arrested for uttering threats and assault, and a second was arrested for uttering threats. More arrests are expected.

RCMP hasn’t shared many details about what the demonstration was about.

“While the right to engage in peaceful, lawful protest is a fundamental element of democracy, any protest must abide by Canadian law and must not compromise the safety and security of citizens,” said RCMP Constable Mansoor Sahak.

“We will investigate any breaches of the law and fulfil our responsibility to ensure those who are responsible are held to account.”

According to an Instagram post from Al Ghadir, the protesters were “a group of violent Iranians, who, under the guise of protesting against the Islamic Republic of Iran, shamelessly attacked the Center and subjected the Center and the attendees of its program, including the young children attending the educational program, to verbal and physical abuse.”

Tensions around the situation in Iran are still high, and it isn’t clear which side of the ongoing protests these two opposing groups are on.

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