Legal fight launched on first anniversary of deadly Vancouver Gastown fire (PHOTOS)

Apr 11 2023, 6:33 pm

Exactly one year after a fire ravaged the Winters Hotel in Vancouver’s Gastown neighbourhood, former residents plan to announce a class-action lawsuit.

A media release from the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU) suggests that survivors of the hotel fire are rallying for answers, which includes filing a class action against Atira, the City of Vancouver and Winters Residence Inc.

Survivors and their supporters gathered and placed locks at the site on Tuesday afternoon of the former hotel to pay their respects. (Amir Ali/Daily Hive)

While details of the lawsuit are expected later today, a spokesperson for the Our Homes Can’t Wait Coalition shared some details about what survivors are hoping for.

“People feel like they deserve some compensation.”

However, the spokesperson also suggested that survivors want some general support.

We learned of at least two residents, who happen to be brothers, that were living in the Winters Hotel and are now homeless.

Gastown hotel

Amir Ali/Daily Hive

“They were living in the Winters but now are just pushing a cart up Hastings Street.”

We were told that many former residents of the Winters Hotel have disappeared and either passed away from medical issues potentially linked to the fire or are just gone without a trace.

The spokesperson also had some thoughts about the government’s role in the Gastown fire and other fires in the area.

“Buildings burn down because of government inaction.”

The Winters Hotel fire

On April 11, 2022, Gastown was shrouded in a large plume of smoke.

Several people were rescued, and the fire led to power outages and road closures. A body was discovered during the hotel’s demolition just over a week after the fire.

On April 28, the demolition of the Winters Hotel was complete.

In the weeks following the fire, we learned about some victims who lost their lives in the blaze.

Gastown Hotel fire survivors

Amir Ali/Daily Hive

A press conference is set to take place at 4 pm today at 122 Water Street, where we will learn more about the class-action lawsuit against Atira, the City of Vancouver and Winters Residence Inc.

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Amir AliAmir Ali

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