Vancouver was just ranked one of the best cities in the world

Sep 24 2021, 4:42 pm

The latest World’s Best Cities Report is out, and Vancouver comes in 46th place among 100 of the world’s cities.

The report by Resonance ranks cities based on six metrics: place, product, programming, people, prosperity and promotion.

Vancouver can thank its diversity and tech opportunities for placing it 46th on the list this year. Unsurprisingly, one detriment was the high housing prices and price of entry. Vancouver finished just ahead of Austin, Texas, and behind Frankfurt, Germany.

“Vancouver’s housing prices are now mostly hitched to a global context, largely decoupled from local wages,” reads the ranking. “Fortunately, Silicon Valley and Seattle tech giants are coming to town with plenty of jobs, coaxed by Canada’s openness to immigration from global tech talent largely spurned by four years of nationalist policies south of the border.”

World’s Best Cities

The city was also credited for its proactive response and containment of the COVID-19 pandemic, which “endeared the city to even more global nomads who can work from anywhere.”

A total of six Canadian cities made the list this year. Toronto was the only Canadian city to place ahead of Vancouver, with Montreal, Calgary, Ottawa, and Edmonton scattered throughout the list.

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