Driver offers free rides to snow-stranded transit users in Vancouver

Dec 21 2022, 8:37 pm

A Vancouver driver spurred to action to help stranded transit users amidst the snowstorm chaos this week, and in turn, renewed a little bit of our faith in humanity in the process.

They posted their plan on Reddit Tuesday, saying they wanted to do something good for the holidays.

“Iā€™m gonna be driving up & down Cambie St from Marine to Broadway on a loop all morning, I can pick up anybody stranded at a [bus] stop who needs a ride & drop you at the train station,” user No_Research550 wrote.

Adding that they had both snow tires and experience driving in the winter (a must) and that anyone stuck waiting should keep their eyes out for the vehicle.

To help differentiate their black Toyota hatchback from any others, be sure to “look for the rainbow butterfly on the front grill.” Plus, they added a note to the windshield.

Vancouver free rides

No_Research550/Reddit| Karolis Kavolelis/Shutterstock

Free rides vancouver


“NGL, rolling up on strangers is kinda awkward. I think the note helped. :)”

Free ride Vancouver


A sweetheart and stylish!

By the end of the day, they had picked up about seven passengers, many of which were among those left waiting for stuck buses, frozen SkyTrains, or without a way to get through an impossibly snowy street.

Daily Hive spoke with No_Research550 about their good deed, who says that they might do it again in the future.

“As someone who relies on transit and is completely miserable on days like this (instead of being happy and enjoying the snow!), thank you a million times over!!! And be safe out there ā¤šŸ§”šŸ’›šŸ’ššŸ’™šŸ’œ” A Reddit user wrote on the post.

And it turns out, they weren’t the only ones.

“I gave a few people a ride today as well and saw quite a few others offering the same. People are good!” Another user wrote.

Did you see any snow angels during the mess? Let us know in the comments below!

Claire FentonClaire Fenton

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