Vancouver to eliminate plastic straws and cutlery at Park Board-owned concession stands

Jun 28 2019, 4:48 am

The City of Vancouver has announced a number of zero-waste initiatives that will be taking effect this summer.

In partnership with the Vancouver Park Board, 20 new zero waste stations will be installed at Park Board-owned concessions throughout the city.

park board

City of Vancouver

Zero waste stations include at least one bin for recycling, organics, and landfill. They’re colour-coded and are meant to allow users to easily and properly sort through their waste.

park board

City of Vancouver

A number of changes have also been made to the packaging used by concession stands, to ensure that packaging can be either composted or recycled.

As a result, concession stands have now eliminated the distribution of plastic straws and switched to lids with a “sip portal.” There has also been a switch to wooden cutlery and paper-based compostable food packaging.

Patrons who bring their own mug for hot beverages will also be given a 25 cent discount.

Locations with zero waste stations in downtown and in Vancouver parks can be found online.

See also