System of a downpour: Gloomy weekend weather could steal your sunshine in Vancouver

Nov 17 2023, 5:57 pm

If you have ambitions to be outdoors this weekend in Vancouver, the nice weather we’ve seen all week might not last.

According to The Weather Network, the November gloom is returning this weekend, and it might bring enough grey and damp weather to spoil your plans.

Saturday is predicted to start much like the last couple of days, with dry weather and some sun, but a low pressure system will steal your sunshine as the day progresses.

In the late morning stages of Saturday, rain will start on the island, “especially for places like Tofino.”

By later Saturday afternoon, the potential for showers in the Lower Mainland and the South Coast will continue to increase. In its forecast, The Weather Network suggests Vancouver could see up to 15 mm on the weekend.

vancouver weekend weather

The Weather Network

However, the most recent report from the weather agency says up to 20 mm is possible in Metro Vancouver on Saturday alone.

Thankfully, a drier period is expected at the end of the month. However, The Weather Network warns that even in that drier period, we could still see another wet system or two sneak through, considering November is historically one of the year’s wettest months.

If you want to take advantage of some of the wild weather expected in parts of BC over the next few months, check out these storm-watching spots.

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