Vancouver landmarks to honour hospital workers nightly with their lights and horns

Mar 28 2020, 1:26 am

At least three of Vancouver’s most prominent landmark buildings are adding a new sequence to their exterior lights and horns on a nightly basis as a show of solidarity to healthcare workers in BC fighting COVID-19.

At Canada Place, the “O Canada” Heritage Horns that blast at noon daily will also be sounding off at 7 pm everyday, coinciding with the loud applauses and cheers from Vancouverites emerging out of their balconies.

As well, the Port of Vancouver states the Sails of Light display at Canada Place, the five sails of the pier structure, will be illuminated in blue — representing the colour of healthcare worker scrubs — between March 27 and April 10, and then from April 12 and 16.

Over at BC Place Stadium, the exterior Northern Lights display will light up with a special animation at 7 pm daily to celebrate healthcare workers. Similarly, the stadium will also light up blue nightly.

And within view from much of False Creek, the exterior lights on both Vancouver City Hall and the Burrard Street Bridge will light up in blue.

For at least a week now in Vancouver, people have been loudly cheering and applauding healthcare workers, while practicing physical distancing and self-isolation from the comfort of their homes.

It is not exactly clear which city in the world began this practice, but Vancouver was amongst the first, particularly outside Europe. Residents in a growing number of cities around the world are now catching on.

The first Vancouver neighbourhood that began the 7 pm tradition in the city was downtown’s West End, where St. Paul’s Hospital is located.

Kenneth ChanKenneth Chan

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