People have started applauding healthcare workers from their balconies in Vancouver (VIDEO)

Mar 22 2020, 1:18 am

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to keep people at home in Canada and around the world, some residents in Vancouver have started nightly applauses from their balconies to show their appreciation for healthcare workers on the front lines of the crisis.

Dubbed the “Public Applause for Healthcare Workers” on social media, the event is meant to “show our gratitude for our healthcare workers on the front lines of fighting this virus, as well as all the essential workers who are putting themselves at risk so we have access to food, transportation and other essential services,” according to organizer Rory Richards.

To participate in the event residents are invited to stand outside their homes, on their balconies, or simply open a window and make some noise for workers in the thick of it all.

And on Saturday night, the first such public applause took place.

On Saturday, Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry announced the province’s 10th death from coronavirus. This followed her announcement that ninth person has died at the Lynn Valley Care Centre in North Vancouver, where there’s an ongoing outbreak. The residents there are elderly and many have underlying health conditions, making them vulnerable to the virus.

The remaining death occurred in the Fraser Health region.

BC’s latest death brings Canada’s death total to 19, as Ontario and Quebec also reported new deaths Saturday.

Henry repeated advice for people to practice social distancing, and ordered all “personal care” businesses such as salons in the province closed.

Henry also reported 74 new cases of the virus, bringing the provincial total to 424.

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